Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Beginning

One day I got up early and was doing some chores before getting ready for work. I started folding the load of clothes that I had piled onto the couch. I found a banana. My train of thought at that early hour went: "Why is there a banana in my clean laundry? That would make a good blog title. Will must have left it here last night." So, I put the banana back in the kitchen, folded the clothes, fed the banana to Robbie when he woke up, and filed "Banana in My Laundry" away in my mind for a blog title. At that point I was just starting to get into MckMama and especially her "Not Me Monday" blog carnival. I wanted to start a blog where I could post all the cute, crazy and precocious things my son does. But then I decided that, since my husband posts all the cute pictures to facebook and I frequently call the interested parties (grandparents) when my son displays his genius, my blog should have another purpose.

I decided to build a blog that would include all the money saving, time saving and healthy eating tips I could come up with. Most of the people I know are concerned about at least one of those. Many of them are convinced that you can't have all three at once. Websites and books focused on saving money tell you to never eat out, always buy in bulk and cook from scratch. Websites and cooking shows built around time saving food prep tell you to buy pre-cut, pre-packaged and dress it up a little. Websites focused on healthy living tell you to buy foods whole, fresh and prepare everything yourself. Buying in bulk doesn't work well if you're single, have a small family, and/or live in an apartment. Buying pre-packaged (or eating out) doesn't work well for a tight budget. Cooking everything fresh doesn't work well if you're tight on time. How can you get all three? The way to get all three is balance. Find what works for you.

This blog is dedicated to helping people who know they should eat "better" but....

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